Reading Comprehension Worksheets for 2nd Grade Multiple Choice


Jake is going on his first plane trip, and he's telling everyone all most information technology, even his blimp panda. Volition he enjoy flying?

2nd Form

Common Core

Multiple Versions Available

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Joey is dressed upwardly equally a superhero and all fix to attend a party. Will his costume win first prize? Read the story and write the answers to the comprehension questions.

2nd Grade

Chloe and Joey are looking effectually their lawn. They before long find that they see things quite differently! Reading comprehension questions, vocabulary words, and a writing prompt are included.

2d Grade

Annie can't fall asleep. Volition her nighttime visitors notice a way to lull her into sweetness dreams - without counting sheep?

second Grade

Emma wants a new lunch box like her friend, Alice. When Emma doesn't take the money to buy ane she improvises!

Monkey, Squirrel, and Sloth are three friends who disagree on what colour to paint their treehouse.

2nd Grade

Does it always pay to be "chicken"? Find out in this reading comprehension passage well-nigh a agglomeration of barnyard animals and their picnic plans.

2nd Grade

Rosie thinks it's likewise repose, only when her dad says it's too loud, she learns nearly all the sounds happening around her. Discover the "noisy silence" Rosie hears in this reading comprehension worksheet.

second Grade

Rory can hardly look to read her new favorite book from the school library, just somebody is already reading information technology! Is the book going to be worth the look? Reading comprehension questions and vocabulary words included.

2nd Grade

Tommy, Clara, and Colin are playing in the snow. Each one of them is edifice a snowman. Whose volition exist the tallest?

2nd Class

Granddaddy has lost his socks, and Alex and Emma are on the case! Can they solve the mystery of Grandpa's missing socks? Read this fun story to detect out!

2d Grade

Jacob and Ruby have lost their dog on a foggy night. Will they be able to detect their beloved canine, Coco?

2nd Grade

Uh-oh! Rooster has a problem with over-sleeping, and he tin can't wake upwardly all the other animals! How will the animals wake upwardly in time to showtime their day on the farm? Story includes comprehension questions, vocabulary words, and a writing prompt.

2d Class

Rosie loves to hear her dad's bedtime stories. But when Dad gets ill and can't tell her a bedtime story, will they miss story time?

second Class

Emma and Alex are looking for pictures in the clouds. They encounter one that looks like a duck, some other that looks like a human with a beard, and a grey one that looks similar rain.

2nd Form

Claire and Anna discover that reading can accept you lot on unexpected adventures—even inside the pages of a good book!

2nd Grade

Hayley and Ben play a game to see who can fit more items into their coat pockets. Who will win? This is a clever, fall-themed reading comprehension action with follow-up questions.

2nd Grade

Eve'south female parent is ill of winter. She misses sunshine, birds and flowers. Eve finds a way to requite her mom flowers, even with all of the snow.

2nd Course

Sammy is having a magical time in the Cayman Islands! Will he have time to fit in all the thousand adventures he wants to go on? This reading activity includes comprehension questions and a vocabulary action.

2d Grade

Lucky the canis familiaris is waking everyone up at the crack of dawn. At first everyone resists, just when they finally wake up, they see something amazing exterior their forepart window.

2nd Course

Mia and Alex search the seashore for a treasure breast full of aureate. While they don't find gold, they find many other treasures along the embankment.

2nd Course

Blessie and her mother make brownies for a broil sale.

2nd Grade

While racing her blood brother, Nina runs right into a spider spider web. Nina thinks a monstrous spider has landed on her. Do they observe the spider? And who wins the race?

2d Grade

A girl chases a bat beyond her backyard and tried to find where it lives. Students read the story and and so complete the check-for-understanding questions.

second Grade

Emily'south fauna neighbors enjoy most of her garden harvest, but Emily thinks up a spicy ending to the growing flavor.

2nd Form

Jimmy discovers a treasure in his own lawn! Students read the story and then consummate the cheque-for-agreement questions.

2nd Grade

Max, Pops, and Gram work together to build sock puppets so they tin put on a boob show.

second Grade

Later on riding the Ferris bicycle at the county fair, Taylor tries to win a stuffed pony. All she has to do to win the prize is throw a baseball game at a bottle and knock information technology downwardly. Taylor discovers that winning the game is harder than information technology seems.

2d Grade

Dave's mother gives him some bean seeds to plant. What does he exercise to make them abound?

2nd Grade

Cindy is helping Aunt Lee by collecting chicken eggs. She finds an egg behind a bush-league that might exist quondam? Is information technology a proficient egg or a bad egg? Aunt Lee has a trick that may help observe the answer.

2nd Grade

How does a chicken take a bath? Read this beautiful story to observe out.

2nd Form

How does a chicken accept a bath? Read this cute story to find out.

2d Class

Fifty-fifty though they expect alike, these twins are very different people. Students will learn to compare and contrast characters.

2nd Class

Emma and her blood brother Alex are playing Hide-and-Seek. Emma searches for Alex but can't find him anywhere. Where could Alex be?

2nd Grade

Mia and Max are determined to help Mrs. Wilson find her missing earring. Are they upwardly to the job? Comprehension questions, writing prompt, and vocabulary words are included. Answer cardinal too included.

5th Class

Angela is supposed to be helping her family set for a lawn picnic when she is distracted past her pet cat.

2nd Grade

Several friends earn money by shoveling snowfall for their neighbors. Read the passage and answer the comprehension questions that follow.

2d Grade

Jen can't play because she has to clean her room, but her brother turns it into a fun game.

2nd Course

Holi is a holiday from India. People throw colored water at each other for fun on this 24-hour interval. In this story, Sammy gets a call from his friend Raj. Raj wants him to come up over and wear old clothes. But why?

2nd Grade

A family helps each other as they prepare for dinner. Students read the passage and bank check their understanding by answering the questions that follow.

2d Grade

Katy is always in a hurry. In this story, Katy learns that first isn't always the best.

2d Course

Jill is a rock collector who is afraid to selection up rocks with bugs on them. Her fearless brother Ben follows her around and makes a collection of his own.

2nd Grade

A mole is burial his food in the basis, just his fauna friends don't seem to understand why.

2nd Grade

Kate and Will consume lunch together. Will finds an unusual surprise in his lunchbox. Hint: It's black and white and smells like flowers.

2nd Course

Libby is watching her brother Max brand cookies. She wants to help, but Max says she's too trivial. Max soon discovers that Libby actually IS a large help in the kitchen.

2nd Class

Ethan tells his parents that he would like fifteen minutes of pie... but what does this mean?

2nd Grade

Observe out what happens when a family of four goes into a pet store and cannot agree on the perfect pet.

2nd and 3rd Grades

Jim loves reading and Meg loves math, then they detect a way to help each other.

2nd Course

Grandpa isn't communicable whatsoever fish downwards by the seashore. Detectives Emma and Alex are on the example, and they observe out what happened to the fish.

2nd through 4th Grades

Information technology'south Jennifer'southward 8th birthday! Read about her altogether political party and answer the questions.

2nd and 3rd Grades

Luca and Ivy are collecting colorful autumn leaves and using them to make shapes on the ground.

2nd Grade

While they walk home from schoolhouse, Jake teaches his younger blood brother Ben a secret for adding big numbers.

2nd Grade

Alex and Emma are in the park making things with folded newspaper. First Emma makes two hats. Then she makes some paper airplanes. And then she makes paper boats.

second Grade

Seth pretends he'southward a kitten, but when he chases dragonflies outside, he ends up covered in mud.

2nd Course

Anna & Kitty
Stories (Fiction)

Anna's Kitty has gone missing. Where will she notice her?

2nd Form

Anna'due south kite is defenseless high up in a tree. It'south also far for her to climb. How tin can her kitty assistance get the kite down?

2d Form

Anna is preparing to visit her grandma, who lives by the beach. Her kitten helps her cull the all-time items to pack.

2nd Grade

Anna is worried Kitty will miss the 4th of July parade! Will Kitty show upward in time to lookout man the fun?

2nd Course

Anna is practicing her yo-yo for the time to come Olympics. The only problem is: she can't find where her yo-yo, or her kitty, went! This reading comprehension includes comprehension questions, a writing prompt, and vocabulary words.

2nd Grade

Where is Kitty? Anna searches for Kitty and finds her tangled up in a brawl of yarn. Seeing Kitty similar that gives Anna a great idea for a Halloween costume for Kitty!

Anna must go upward to the spooky attic to find Kitty. Reading comprehension questions, writing prompt, and vocabulary words are included.

2nd Form

Anna thinks Kitty took her missing puzzle slice. She has to larn a lesson about teamwork before she can consummate her puzzle. Reading comprehension questions, a writing prompt, and vocabulary words are included.

2nd Course

Anna tries to earn forty dollars and then she can buy a dollhouse. When she find out how difficult it is to earn that much money, she has some other thought.

second Class

What volition happen when Anna is asked to bring her class pet habitation for a long weekend?

1st through 3rd Grades

Have you ever hoped to see Santa on Christmas Eve? In this story Anna and Kitty have a program to catch a glimpse of Santa before he'due south on to the next house!

Readers' Theater

An entertaining readers' theater about a girl who earns money and saves up for a purple basketball.

2nd Grade


Create art from junk yous have around the house; Beautiful, fun verse form for crafty kids

second Course

It's a windy and cold morning when Mr. Steve pulls upwards with the large yellow school bus.

second Grade

In this poem, a tourist has a shut encounter with awe-inspiring whales.

2nd Grade

Explore the natural globe on a scenic nature hike. This verse form includes comprehension questions, a writing action, and a vocabulary page.

2d Grade

Read the poem nigh summertime, then answer the reading comprehension questions that follow.
(Approx. grade levels 1-3)

1st through tertiary Grades

A nervous girl walks into her new classroom for the first time.

2d Grade

A boy's sister is post-obit him all over the house and chasing him upward and down stairs. How will he solve his problem?

2nd Course

Snakes glide from side to side, and utilise their tongues to option up scents in the air.

2nd Form

Here is a poem virtually animals and the noises they make. Students volition savour learning near animal "voices" in this witty poem. This worksheet includes comprehension questions, vocabulary words, and a writing prompt.

2d Class

On a trip to the beach, the narrator of this poem picks up many pretty seashells. When she gets home, she discovers that they are even more special than she had imagined.

2d Grade

Brusk poem well-nigh someone who enjoys reading all dissimilar kinds of books.

2d Class


Did y'all know that the Tyrannosaurus King is every bit long as a schoolhouse bus and equally alpine as a business firm? It likewise had 60 abrupt teeth that were every bit big as bananas.

1st through tertiary Grades

Why and where do bears hibernate? How do they prepare for hibernation? What do they eat in the leap? Learn all this and more, in this non-fiction hibernation commodity.

2nd Course

A male child gets a dog for his birthday and wonders why the dog'southward olfactory organ is always wet and common cold. The boy's dad explains why dogs' noses are moisture.

2nd Grade

Larn well-nigh elephants' trunks, teeth, and tusks.

2nd Grade

Learn all most the springtime tulips that grow in your garden.

2nd Grade

Learn many fascinating facts almost skunks! Did you know that skunks are actually very shy? Notice this and much more!

2d Form

Short Passages

Sam is collecting eggs in the hen house, merely one egg seems a little foreign.

2nd Grade

Another quick-read with facts and questions about orcas.

2nd through 4th Grades

Students read a brusk, not-fiction paragraph about cheetahs and reply the questions that follow.

2nd through 4th Grades

Compare & Contrast

Learn how bananas and pineapples are similar and different.

2nd Grade

Read this beautiful story of two very different friends. Then, compare and dissimilarity the two characters

2nd Form

Compare and dissimilarity a vacation at the embankment to a vacation in the mountains.

2d Grade

Read the paragraphs and choose the primary ideas.

2nd through fourth Grades

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